Schools out! Now I am drawing whatever i want. I've been craving it, and now that it is summer, I can do non-homework drawings! Hope you enjoy your summers as well everyone!
I built a really cool project for 3D class. An Iron Man arm. I formed a frame from galvanized steel and attached wires for the arm. The hand piece was a circular device in a VCR that I screwed onto some metal pieces. There's one piece between the index and middle fingers that just sell it. Looks legit. And it is pretty fashionable to be quite honest.
It's been a great quarter so far. I have done some great work for my 3D class, which surprises me. And i have done some very cool stuff for my Drawing for Storyboarding class. I will post pictures this summer, so look out for all of that.
Every friday i have seen a movie. Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Harold and Kumar 2, Iron Man, and Speed Racer. All of them AWESOME in their own respects. FSM just hit home with me so well. It was all of the same feelings i had once in my life. Perfect movie for that. Harold and Kumar 2, though not as good as the first, was still entertaining. What i liked about the first one was that it had cameos by up and coming comedians/actors. It reminds me of movies like Jay and Silent Bob or Dude Where's My Car when there are a slew of crazy characters that enter the scene randomly. Iron Man, awesome, without a doubt. But I will have to say that my EXPERIENCE seeing Speed Racer was better than mine with Iron Man. I saw Iron man in a crappy Savannah theater, with some bad quality, rendering the visuals fuzzy. I saw Speed Racer in a Los Angeles IMAX. Yeah, it's gonna feel better. And i had seen a lot of the Iron Man footage at Wondercon 2008, so i was spoiled in that regard. Hopefully it wont be the same story for Wall-E.
Stand-up comedy has been huge this quarter. I have performed at the SCAD Talent Show and it led up to my gig at the Livewire music Hall in Savannah. I performed there last night to a decent crowd and was happy with the results. I'm enjoying this comedy thing a LOT. And i hope i go places with it! Wish me luck!
I want to be producing some more ART art. Some more hip-hop, urban paintings. Cause they are FUN. This summer is gonna be huge for me.