Sunday, December 28, 2008

Sketch Monster!

Just been working on personal art, some comics before the debut. I wonder what everyone else is doing this break? Are they all relaxing, working, preparing for anything special/big? I’ve been pretty inspired, but never really wanting to start getting work done. It’s bad to feel into something and then not act on it. Do you feel that way too? Anyways, we should just DO things. No one else is going to do it. So just do it. That’s what i have to keep telling myself over and over. Just got to jump in.

This sketch is part of this idea that involves collaborating with another artist comrade. We want to create halves of works, give the piece over to the other person, and throw down a finish to the piece. This is just the start of it.

Visit me at

Friday, December 26, 2008

An Unfortunate Turn of Events

So i recently moved to a new gmail account, and exported my blog too. Unfortunately, it did not export any other data, so now all my images are lost, and I have to re-upload. Ill be taking the next few days to fix the error. Thanks!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Funny meets Funny books!

I'm creating a comic book based on my stand-up comedy. I incorporate my jokes into a fictional setting with a story that advances to the next set-up of the next joke. And here is the working cover! I drew and inked it today and added the logo digitally.

Look for the issue to come out soon and I hope you enjoy the cover! I hope to color it later this month.

UPDATED: I've been notified that the girl's left hand is positioned incorrectly. Thanks!

Monday, December 8, 2008

A lot of Related Things I've thought

I don't have an Art Post today, but I wanted to make aware of some things I've been seeing lately. I bought the DVD series Joss Whedon's Firefly maybe over a year ago. When I have dinner, I usually like to put an episode or two on, but the problem I faced in those situations is falling asleep from a delicious meal and not watching the show. I've been advised it was a great show, and though i never doubted that, I just never got around to watching it again, afraid that I would not like the show if my sleeping meant that it was boring. I'm try to think of myself not being a conformist, but if I actually think a show is good, haven't seen it, and hear from my group of friends it is good, then I have faith that I will probably like it. So I tried to find the right moment in my life to not fall asleep.

Watch it while eating breakfast, not dinner.

I was able to make it through the pilot episode and it was fantastic! And I noticed alot more familiar faces who have gone onto other characters in various movies, shows, etc. But it was awesome! And I want to watch more.

Based on the faith I have from this new viewing, my friends' fandom of it, and the general public's love of it, one has to wonder why it got cancelled. Firefly only ran for one season on the FOX channel. Why? What is up with FOX??

I ask that question because one of my favorite shows I have ever seen is Arrested Development, and I haven't even made it through the entire series yet! And Arrested development, another FOX series, was cancelled after it's third. Yet it is one of the most well-written comedies of this generation. I mean, better than even The Office. So why do shows like Two and Half Men survive?

You may have seen a movie this summer called Sex and the City. It made LOTS of money. LOTS of money. And it was a TV show, too. Not that I'm saying it was a bad show, but it performed well beyond my expectations.

Now wait a second. Firefly had its own show come back as a movie. Serenity. And it did not do outstandingly. It satisfied fans and people loved having a real conclusion from it. And the X-files came back with it's second movie. Which did the same thing, satisfied its core fans and life went on.

I guess the point I want to make is...


And now only because of it's success are properties like Arrested Development and Veronica Mars being tossed around to make into movies.

The second point i want to make is that Dollhouse is in development hell. Dollhouse is Joss Whedon's next project. He did the previously mentioned Firefly series and created Buffy the Vampire Slayer as well as the Angel spin-off. But why oh why is he putting it in the hands of FOX?? It was to premiere this Fall 08 season but the pilot went back and will probably be released in Jan 09. Did they want it to compete against Lost or something? Or did they want to be jerks like they were with Firefly and Arrested Development? I guess the point I want to make is...


I mean seriously, even your news sucks.

Friday, December 5, 2008

SF Tribute

It seems like ages ago, but here is my SF Tribute piece that I submitted back in April. It was published in an art book and was premiered at Comic-con 08. Think of the book as a refined fan art book, with professionals sending in their own takes on Street Fighter characters. You can check out the book here.

I wasn't a huge fan of Dhalsim or Honda, but for the piece, I liked the contrast of skinny versus massive. Plus, they both have markings on their face. I like seeing this piece because in just a few months I improved my clothing. In a year I bet that I will cringe when I see this piece.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Holidays begin

So it is Christmas break again and it is completely empty in the town of Savannah. It's like summer, where all the students are at home. It's really fun though, just to make artwork all day without really a reason to. It gives us all time to work on personal projects, and I've noticed a plenty of people starting up blogs. I'll be linking them in my friends bar so you can take a look.

As far as personal projects go, I'm excited to get cracking on my own, and hopefully it will be available early 2009. Hope everyone is having a great holiday season so far and I'll be posting some recent artwork as the weeks go on.